I'm now making some real progress in setting out what I want to look at on this course by focusing on the idea of Conservation in this country. I'd already said I wanted to return to one of the original reason why I took up photography and I think this gives me the best opportunity to do this while producing work that has some meaning behind it. The reason behind my chose of subject are anything that unusual or that special it's the simple fact that I love the wildlife and wild places this country has to offer and I think they need to be protected for us to enjoy and appreciate, in today's world we're far more aware of the damage we can do to the environment and the effect this then has on the life that lives within it that we're far more active in the protection and conservation of many area and species than ever before. It isn't just on the grand scale that a differents is being made either, a lot can and is being done by people doing simple things within their own green spaces in their gardens by planting certain plants or even just leaving a rough area for nature to run it's course.
The next step for me now is to break the idea of conservation further so as to give myself 5 assignments to work through during this course that I feel I can produce my best work possible from, my tutor example ideas are to look at the who,what,where,when and how fair enough I can see the logic behind this but I'm hoping I can still push the idea further and come up with something more.
Follow @shaunjohnson12
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