Friday, 13 July 2012

Alterations To Assignments.

After putting my plan forward to my tutor I was relatively happy and looking forward to what lay ahead but then I did the usual thing and started thinking more in depth about what I'd put forward and things didn't feel quiet that good any more. My concerns lay around the section I intended to focus on the idea of conservation in Zoos and the fact I started to wonder whether it'd actually sit right with all the other sections when I came to put my final body of work together. It's not that I think it isn't a relevant and important area as I've said before, it's just that I didn't feel it'd work as well with the other areas I wanted to look at as they are more focused on the areas and issues in this country alone while zoos are more an international concern.
My tutors reactions to my plans were as I expected very encouraging but she too had concerns on the mention section but more along the lines that at this level photographic animals in cages just isn't enough and I need to go much deeper which I'd agree with her isn't really something I'd be able to achieve and produce the work that'd do this issue justice. In the end the way we decided to get around this problem was to separate out some of the areas of investigation into there own individual assignments, while this gives me more time to focus on certain points I've still got enough to get my teeth into over the whole of the course. Below you can see the outline for the course a head-

  Student name Shaun Johnson Student number 491616
Course/Module Advanced/3 Assignment number Proposal

Thank you for sending me your study proposal, Shaun. I look forward to working with you on your next task.

Following our emails I suggest we work with the following plan:

Overall theme: Protect Or Destroy; it’s Our Choice

This body will investigate areas of conservation, looking at the destruction and protection of nature. You will produce a written evaluation of the subject discussing why you have chosen it and include looking at photographers/ artists who have worked along these lines. Further photographic investigations will include the following points:

· Who is involved in the conservation process? This may involve social documentary style images.

· What projects are currently in operation?

· Where and when these take place?

· How does this happen?

Assignments will take the following form:

1 Exploring conservation – written evaluation
2 Wetlands
3 Woodlands
4 National Parks and Gardens
5 Submission of final collection of images based on the research above and with the title of ‘Protect or destroy; it’s our choice’

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