Sunday, 17 February 2013

Considering My Work So Far- Assignment 2.

I think it would be handy at this point in my second assignment to site back and have a look at where I feel I'm at. Its been a few weeks since I've last look at any of the work I've produced so far so by going back to it now I always find it gives me a slightly different perspective helping me to decide where I'm at and what I still need to achieve to get to where I want to end up with this body of work.

The first point to make clear is that clearly there's still alot of work that needs to be done, as I've said before working this winter has been extremely challenging as anyone who's been trying will tell you so I feel I've definitely been limited as to what I've been able to achieve so far. My hope is that Spring and Summer can only bring improvements in this area but then again we do live in Britain so I maybe shouldn't hold out such high hopes. When considering the frame work that I set out at the beginning of this course to help me (that being looking at the who,what,where and how in regards to conservation in my chosen areas) I think I've made so good progress with the what and where but still need to add more in these areas. On the other hand  the who and how has been a bit of a none starter. My issues with how conservation is happening relied on gaining access to the local quarry so I could build a picture of how the landscape was damaged through mining and then used to create vast water parks and areas of wetland, not being able meant I've had to reconsider this approach a little so that now I'm going to use the access round and about the site to get the images I need. The only problem remaining is that right now there's so much water lying in the surrounding fields its just not possible right now but hopefully in time with a bit warmer weather I'll be able to get what I'm after. With the who angle its down to the areas coming back to life as the seasons change because most work clearly isn't going to take place in the winter months but in the spring time so hopefully in the coming months there be more activity.

On the whole if I was to describe what I've done so far I'd say it shows what life can be found in our Wetlands but I still need to go much deeper and examine what makes these environments special, what makes them important enough that they need our protection in the first place and are we achieving this in today's world. As I said at the start alot of work ahead.

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