Sunday, 18 August 2013

Bee Numbers.

Bee numbers are a growing concern for us whether we're aware of it or not because if they continue to fall as they have over the last few years it spells trouble for us all in the future. So why is this, well simply there one of the major pollinators that we have and when there numbers decline so does our production of food. They spread pollen from one plant to another thus fertilizing them so that for example we get fruits that without this process just wouldn't grow as effectively. Of course there's other factors too that can effect our food harvest but as this process is one of the most if not the most important point in a growing season so you have to understand how if this continual decline remains we could be in trouble. Some of the reason behind the problem is climatic with wetter summers and warmer springs confusing and hindering a bees natural life cycle but another possible explanation is our changing gardening habits, more and more gardens are turning into concrete jungles especially in more inner city urban areas meaning less flowering plants for our insect friends. Without this food source you tend to find weaker small hives which leads to queens just not surviving through the winter to build new colonies the following year. A parasite can also be held responsible for some of the decline but we can't really do a lot to stop this but what we can do is put more flowering plants back into our gardens, it doesn't have to mean a beautiful space you see so often on tv it could just simply be a few pots scattered around you're patio, its as simple as that so no reason why anyone can't do there bit to help one of our most needed insect friends, it doesn't even have to cost you much money so start thing about how making a change because the clock is ticking.

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