Sunday, 22 December 2013

Choosing Which Photos To Use.

Now I come to possibly one of the most hardest parts of the course, actually making the right decision when it comes to which photos to present in my final selection and how many I need to really  get what I want across to the view. Its the struggle to decide is more or less better because you don't want to over whelm the view but you also want them to see enough to understand your point of view. At this point I usually find myself second guessing everything so this time in an attempt to get it right first time and not drive myself insane I'm going to try a new approach. First I'm going to print all my best work so I can look at them together in individual groups and see how they work together because after all you want them to first work as a single piece of photography but secondly you want them to work equally as a whole together to enforce the message. What I like to do is produce a photo book because I've always felt this works best with my style of work being that at the end of the day I never have one great photo, its more about a solid body of work. So I'll be going into consideration mode over Xmas taking the opportunity to show my family what I've been up to and getting there opinion too so at the end of the day I get the best collection possible.

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