After selecting my final collection of photos I come up with a title for my work which I feel better reflections the intentions and meaning behind what I'm trying to show, the new title that I'm going to use is Change. Its simple and to the point but at the same time captures the essence of what the aim of this project has been. To begin with my work started out as a simple study of conservation within these areas but as I've progressed through the course it became clearer to me with insight from my tutor and from material I've been reading that my work just couldn't be so simple, it had to be more. What I need to do was produce something that'd first show people the areas that I wanted to cover, then it needed to be strong enough so that hopefully it'd encourage people to embrace these areas/habitats that need our help thus making them hopefully change the way they see themselves and what they can do in regards to conservation within this country. Another way to look at it would be to say that my work captures the physical changes while encouraging a change in attitude that is need for conservation to truly succeed. I think this works much better then my original working title for this project as that just doesn't seem to fit as well with what I've end up producing.(The original working title was Protect or Destroy; its Our Choice, this now seems a bit too aggressive to me and as I say doesn't fit the tone of the piece.)
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