Sunday, 2 February 2014

My Books.

So now it comes to how best to present my work for this final assignment, over the years I've tried a number of different ways of displaying my work (some have been more successful then other) but the best results I tend to get are from putting together a book. I like producing photo books because it lets you be very creative in the way that you can show off you're work, it allows me to have full control over the order and way that you actually see my work meaning in essence you can almost create a visual story. I don't think these collections below necessarily work in that way but that's more down to the fact that this isn't the kind of photography that I was aiming to create this time. What I've done then is create 2 books, the first is a more expanded look at a single section of this course in which I looked at conservation within National Parks and the second is a more general collection of all of what I see of the best work from the whole course.

Change. by Shaun Johnson. | Make Your Own Book

Both books I think have there merits and I feel I'd be happy submitting both for my final assessment but that's not what I want to do, I've got to select the best most focused piece that I think captures best the ideas and aims that I set out original to accomplish within this course. Its know easy chose because as I've already said in previous posts I was really happy with the original collection but then my tutor recommended an expended study on the national parks and I now see what she meant about it being more a focus on a single issue and not a multitude of different angles on one theme. Its time to bight the bullet and make a solid decision so to do this I'm going to try a little group focus work and see which one sits more comfortably with people because by myself I'm just to bias one way or another.


  1. Well don't blame me if it all goes wrong but here is my two-pennyworth. The second book is the better. It offered me a better insight into the issues you raise than the first which is limited in approach and scope, and the images are better - especially the Garden Conservation set.

    All of the images (double exposures) work as a unified voice in this book. However the chapter collages at the beginning of each chapter don't work with the double exposures, they clash with them and look armature. If it were me I would not include the chapter collages - just the headings - and let the double exposures do the work.

    But I am no expert in books Shaun.... Good luck
