Sunday, 9 February 2014

Thoughts At The End Of The Course.

I'm not going to lie here my overwhelming  feelings right now are happiness at what I've produced with a large amount of relief that it's over and I'm finally at the finish line. This has been the longest photographic journey that I've been on so far and by far the most enjoyable. This is down in a large part to working on a subject that I truly love, to me the great outdoors and photography are two of the things I love most and I think because of this I've been able to make a real improvement in my work over the last few years. I went back the other day and looked back at where I started out in this journey and compared it to where I am right now. The difference I think is very clear but what I also noticed was that I maybe hadn't achieved something that I'd set out to do in the beginning. I've said before that I wanted to keep what I produced a very truthful straight kind of photography but on working through this course I feel I've moved away from this kind of thinking slightly, as much as I love the work of people like Ansel Adams photography has moved on to a point where his kind of work doesn't necessarily have the same impact as it once did. What I mean is that today you have to be far more creative in what you produce because so many people can just pick up a phone and produce a more then good landscape image. If you want to say something about the world we live in you have to push yourself to find new angles and mean's of saying these things today with photography so thanks in part to my tutor who has always encouraged me to push myself throughout this process I think now the end results speak for themselves. Like any good student-tutor relationship we might not have always agreed on some points but you need this to be able to move forward, so again I think she deserves a big thank you. I think when I started out I was a little naive about how easy this process was going to be, I thought I knew a lot about conservation and I just be able to take some great wildlife and landscape images and be happy with that. At the end of the day I can see I was wrong and that there's so much more to look at and understand out there in the natural world so maybe I'm not finished with this subject just yet after all but from now on it'll be something I'll keep going on the back burner while I look for new projects to begin and new inspiration to follow, who knows where photography will take me next that's the most existing part.  


  1. Congratulations Shaun. Are you planning to go to the graduation ceremony at the Royal Festival Hall?

  2. Don't think so unfortunately as I'm away around that time I think.
