Friday, 24 August 2012

Points To Take From My Study On Conservation Photography.

Some interesting ideas and points I've picked up on while studying other photographers for my written assignment-

  1. Liked Niall Benvie's idea that we shouldn't just capture images of pristine landscapes but should also show the flip side showing the damage we've coursed.
  2. Off the top of my head can't remember which photographer it was but one put forward the argument that you should show the environments as we all see them not in the way most landscape photographers would approach the subject by only working in the early morning or early evening making use of the light conditions.
  3. Need to have more patient when it comes to wildlife, time and persistence needed to get the best results
  4.  Research and understand the issues surrounding your subject, greater insight will lead to better photos

I feel one of the main things I want to do with this course is highlight the fact that it isn't just conservation in far flung places most people might never of heard of that need to be highlighted but the work that going on on peoples doorsteps that they might not be as aware of because it hasn't got such a high profile.

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