Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Branston Water Park Second Visit.

Its been a while since I last did any work towards this assignment mainly due to how rubbish the weather was throughout December and the amount of flooding in the area. At long last though I've managed to get back to Branston to see whether the flooding had effected the bird population but mostly on this visit I wanted to try and get some images of the quarry and how people interact with the wildlife on the reserve.

Tech. Details
F-stops- f/10
Expo- 250secs
ISO- 2000
Expo Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 55mm

Really happy with how this shot turned out because it captures the interaction between the man feeding the birds but what I'm most happy with is that thanks to the movement of some of the birds flying around and just walking it feels alive and more real.

Tech. Details
F-stops- f/8
Expo- 500secs
ISO- 2000
Expo Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 125mm

One of my main problems is still the lack of access to the quarry so I can convey the destruction to the landscape before being restored through conservation activities, the best I could do on this visit was to capture one of the many mountains of grave being formed after its been extracted and cleaned. Still have alot of work to do in this area.

Tech. Details
F-stops- f/6.3
Expo- 320secs
ISO- 2000
Expo Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 300mm

There's main good points about this image of a Coot from the colour of the water giving it a kind of strange appearance, then there's the reflection on the very still water but mostly I think it reinforces the idea of calm and peacefulness in contrast to the noise and destruction involved in the quarrying process.

Tech. Details
F-stops- f/5.6
Expo- 400secs
ISO- 2000
Expo Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 180mm

Slightly different view on feeding time but don't think it works as well as the photo at the top of this section, some how it just doesn't quiet feel as interesting as the other and does draw you in anywhere near as much.

Slight progress made on this visit but there's still plenty I'd like to capture which I just haven't managed up to this point. Hopefully as we move towards spring more progress will be made (here's hoping anyway).

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