Just read an interesting article that could be helpful to anyone struggling like I have at time with inspiration a specially if you feel you photography is looking the same what ever the subject. What the author suggest is try setting yourself challenges when you go out on a shoot, for example try using a fixed length lens all the time getting a different perspective on your subject regardless of how familiar you are with it, next you could try setting your camera to AV mode and use the same settings throughout the shoot again you may find again it'll give you a different perspective on your subject. A really good idea and something as photographers we have got out of the habit of is limiting the amount of photos we take, with the digital age it's to easy just to fire off say 10shots and not worry about the fact that most if not all might not be what we're looking for, but if you limit yourself to say 32 photos in one shoot you become far more selective and in theory anyway the quality of work should improve. Another idea is to not rely on your auto focus, don't be afraid to go manual and experiment you might find new and exciting outlooks on your subject just with this simple alteration to your approach. The final idea and maybe the most interesting is to turn off your live view, with digital cameras we can become far to distracted from our subject because we spend to much time focusing on our cameras and all the setting. With live view off you can get back to really focusing on what your shooting and avoid all the distractions which might mean you miss that perfect image.
I think there's some great ideas here which will help the next time I hit that creative wall.
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