Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Expanding On My National Park Assignment.

To expand on my National Park idea I wanted to try and bring in landscapes from my wetland and woodland work so as to take it a step further then I had originally and say look, here's these everyday scenes we're all so used to but look again and you'll see that if you'd just get out into these areas there's so much to see and be part of. The idea in the national park section was the only way you can encourage people that the parks need our backing is to get them to visit and embrace them, this could be done by showing them the beauty of the landscapes in comparison with there everyday life. The good thing is this can also work when using the landscapes that our wetland and woodland habitats provide. Below you'll see how I've put this idea into practice using Photoshop to combine two images together.

My first go at using a wetland landscape and if I don't say so myself the end results are pretty pleasing giving the affect at first glance that the room has been flooded.

Really happy with how this scene turned out with the natural rock making up the area around the sink and the view in the distance sitting well within the frame of the window, feels so real but at the same time you just know what you're looking at can't be.

Maybe a little too much going on in the background here for this to work comfortably, plus you do lose a big chunk of the landscape behind the tv. To combat this I left the view in the tv screen but it still doesn't look quiet right, if anything the trees make the view seem narrowed down reducing the feeling of space.

Much happier with this combination showing that its not just the natural beauty of our landscapes that are in need of protection but also the history (mostly the human effect on the landscape) but its as important in the scheme of conservation as it shows the true nature of our landscapes.

Used a photo of a quarry in a new wetland development here to add  texture effect to house front, I think it works on a few levels when considering the price we pay in the landscape to get the materials we need but not to sure whether I think its the best looking photo.

Used the texture of bark here to change the appears of the house frontage, liked the way it appears but also the question maybe about how we use some unsustainable forestry practices to get the wood that is used throughout our homes.

Another watery view, like the contrast here between the calming view of a summer wetland and then the chaos of a room having some major redecorating done to it.

Interesting idea in theory, I wanted to see how much was too much when combining scenes to push the boundary of reality. Here I think its far too far for the simple reason that it just doesn't look or feel right visual, to busy almost.

Not one of the most interesting photos in this set but still one that deserves its inclusion if only for the fact that the view does bring to life what would usually be seen as a very dull scene.

Like this view because it isn't quiet as straight forward to pull apart visual as some here are, what I mean is that it can take you a couple of looks to kind of separate the foreground and the background but it isn't to over loading at the same time to look at.

One thing I really like about the majority of these photos is the feeling they give you that you could just up and walk straight into them, a good example being this one above that has that kind of effect of drawing you in. This really typifies what I'm looking for in these photos because after all I want to take people away fro there normal day to day life.

There's something very calming about any photo involving water and this one is know different, its a simple view but very effective combination

What makes theses images work so well is that combination of the man made and the natural coming together, you could almost look at them as a reflection of our own influence on the landscape and the way we still need these areas of natural beauty within our urbanized life style to add a bit of calm to our chaotic life's.

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