Monday, 20 January 2014

Plan Moving Forward.

So the plan is now to use my National Park work as the basis and expand on this idea to create an alternative final collection. The idea behind this group of photos was that I'd use everyday scenes that we might come into contact within our life's (so you already have a natural association with them) and then combined them with views from our national parks so as to show and encourage people to embrace them and get away from the normal everyday. In terms of Conservation within our national park system this would help because with out people actual going and visiting these areas of natural beauty there wouldn't necessarily be the individuals willing to stand up and fight for there protection when needed. In art terms the photos ended up feeling natural in a strange way because you still have that reference of something normal about them, but at the same time you know that there's something very out of place about what you're looking at. They create a great juxtaposition that makes them even stronger as a tool for presenting a message on what these areas that are being conserved for you have to offer. When I've completed this alternative my plan is to consider what I originally produced and this second collection and see which to me I feel best represent my aim for this course, I'll listen to what my tutor has to say and take her view point on board but at the end of the day I've got to be happy that I take forward a collection that best captures my feelings and intentions towards conservation.

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