Thursday, 21 November 2013

Feedback On Assignment 4 Gardens.

For me this has been the most important feedback I have received in this course for the simple point that I've attempted to move my work into a completely new direction compared to where I started out to really get a the core point of this project. Happily my tutor has recognized this fact and is very encouraging in the points she makes feeling that my enthusiasm for the subject is far more apparent then in my earlier work. As with my work on the National Parks I didn't want to produce an image that someone would just take a fleeting glance at and think a nice photo, what I wanted was something that would provoke more of a second look and in fact a little thought about what it is you're actually looking at and the messages that it contains. On the individual images I've produced so far my tutor has been pretty complementary on the whole getting and understanding what each is trying to say, I understand her concerns with my frog and dragonfly images and intend to attempt to rework these to make them a little less imposing as I get what she says about them being a little scary in away. I still have room to improve in this area and intend to try and come up with still more ways in which I can create still more thought provoking images on the subject matter, an interesting idea put forward by my tutor about maybe not including the actual species in the image has got me thinking but whether I'll be able to come up with strong enough images only time will tell.

One thing this feedback has lead me to is to start reevaluating my early work on Wetlands and Forests/Woodlands, to create a good strong body of work there has to be good consistence with the way the images look/are presented and the strength of message in them so what I'm now beginning to consider is can I use this double exposure technique in the same way I have here to create much stronger work? Lots to do and think about in the months a head.      

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